Thursday, April 10, 2014

NEW REVIEW: Muuy Biien

“Nobody hangs up on me. We're through! Oh...uh, and one more thing. I've been cheating on you!” Those words ring true when you’re living in denial and enjoying the short lived euphoria of a funhouse reality. I never know when the party starts or when the party ends. Confusion is bliss sometimes. Muuy biien annihilates the robotic personalities around us with their latest release D.Y.I (do yourself in).

Vocalist Joshua Evans screams, “Another white ego, another good gone bad, to overcompensate for everything you lack” in the blistering and twisted fray of “White Ego”. Equal parts Saccharine Trust and Lost Sounds, this band brandishes an updated cacophony of freeform punk that is ready to start a blood-spattered intellectual revolution. Contempt, hostility, and self-loathing fill the concise blasts of frantic vocalization, the sounds of solitude amplified by menacing bass and guitar interplay.

The album opens with the foreboding dissonance of “Cyclothymia I” and rips into frantic rock mode with “Human Error”. The high hat driven beats highlight the insane guitar action that infect and terrorize with a steady bass driven undertow. Side one of this pristine platter flies by in the blink of an eye with non-obvious hooks planted throughout the poisoned compositions. “What isn’t” and “She Bursts” have a cool Nation of Ulysses vibe running through them.

Side two opens with the fitting “Cyclothymia II” and demonstrates that this modern symphony is a virus in full bloom. Complete with its own orchestral movements firmly rooted in early SST releases, the rage goes into the red with “Virus Evolves”. This tune in particular shreds with a ferocity I haven’t heard from a band in quite some time. The rage gets moody and groove oriented with tracks “Dust” and “Frigid” providing icy post-apocalyptic anthems. The lights go out as your nervous system shuts down during the guitar feedback frenzy of the title track “D.Y.I”. As the dust clears, a beautifully sad piano gracefully leads you to the exit. –KPM

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