In our ongoing coverage of trashy art and music outside of the California and U.S. spectrum, I am encouraging you to check out the lethal sounds and poisonous attitude of this all female trash unit from Italy known as Slutmachine! Interview time…Let’s Go!
It’s about time! An all-female thrash/hardcore/ punk band from Italy! How did the band begin and why did you start a thrash/hardcore project?
Slutmachine came alive with the drum player’s (Xina) original idea to form a girls-only band, with musicians like herself, ready to kick everybody’s ass, enjoy the shit out of rock & roll and prove that hard music is not only for hairy men! We began the project in the summer of 2011 when I (drum player) met the guitarist J and decided to get together to play the best cover songs by Ramones, Misfits, G.B.H Metallica in my garage, (where we still practice!). However, playing cover songs was definitely not enough for us: we needed to find a way to express ourselves through our very own songs. So, after a couple of days we asked Spring to join us with her bass, as well as a singer, which was soon replaced with Camishka (singer in the demo Hang On). The choice of the genre simply came from a mix of our musical tastes. Punk/hardcore/thrash is the ideal genre to express the messages we intend to convey through our lyrics. The new singer Whitey replaced Camishka in May, after her decision to leave the band for personal matters.
What CDs or records can our hyper-active viewers check out to hear the aggressive sounds of Slutmachine! I love it!
Last Summer Slutmachine recorded a demo called Hang On (in a very underground way), which contains only 5 of our songs, including Blackout (the most appreciated out of them)! Listeners can find this demo on the Web, on Facebook, YouTube, Reverb nation, where they can also watch some videos of our live performances, even though the quality isn’t too good! We have many wild projects for the future: we are writing songs for our next album and we plan on uploading some new recordings with our new singer. A music video should also come out in August!.The music is angry and so are the vocals, what pisses you off in daily life?
Yeah, the music is pissed off and so are we! Most of our songs talk about social issues: especially our more recent lyrics express our disgust towards certain situations in our society, hypocrisy, insanity, violence, insincerity and falsity. We prefer not to directly talk about Italian politics, but we try to do so in a more subtle way. We also really like explaining our opinions and feelings through the use of metaphors: most of our titles are metaphors. In the first demo Hang On, the thread that ties all the songs together is the will to get up and fight, to hang on and keep on going.
Who are your favorite artists in 2013?
Our favorite artists in 2013?? Oh, we looove Britney Spears and Justin Bieber. Hahaha, just kidding! It’s hard to find such modern references, but we do enjoy Hatebreed and Municipal Waste. Our musical roots lie in the ‘80’s punk/hardcore, like Discharge, G.B.H or rock and roll bands such as Motorhead, Girlschool, L7. We are still searching for our sound, but it is definitely metal since both the guitar player and I, which compose the songs, started by listening to groups such as Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus, Pantera, which definitely had a great influence. However, our new singer is bringing more melody to our music!Any dating advice for guys and girls in the audience that would want to hang out with Slut Machine?
If they wanna date us, they have to be interested in our genre and acknowledge the importance of music. Not just cos we’re hot!Is Italian music better than American? It seems like all of the best hardcore/punk bands are coming from Italy!
We have some great minds over here, in Italy, and a lot of kids with a great desire to play which, however, don’t find fertile land for this genre and, most of the time, aren’t able to follow their dream to play hardcore music. So I believe that Italians really enjoy hardcore but have barely any opportunity to listen to it or express themselves through this kind of music, whereas in the US, there is a lot more freedom of expression and a different cultural background.
What types of movies do you like?
I personally love action films, like ''The Expendables'', ''Rambo'', ''Death Race'', but my favorite film ever is ''Machete''! The bass player loves splatter and horror films, such as ''Braindead'', ''Blackship'', the other two girls probably have more normal tastes!What do you do when you are not playing in the band? Do you have hobbies that might surprise our readers?
We are four very busy girls, Spring works like a slave all day, J, Whitey and I study. I also play basketball in a team and I love painting.. I’m not sure whether it’s fortunate or not, we’re all pretty good daughters, helping around the house all the time!Where do you want the band to be a year from now?
Within the next year or so, we would like to record our new album, and get the world to know us, perhaps through a tour, hoping to survive by living off music. We hope to come all the way to America soon, to release a live interview to you!The readers can listen to our songs and check out our pictures and videos on Facebook, by looking up our public page Slut Machine or by friending Primavera Rossi. You could also come and hear us play in Italy, and take advantage of your trip to visit our beautiful country!
August issue has been bumped to September due to its action filled and plentiful content, which is a good "thing", as this will be a nice return to form with the twisted sophistication and scattered state of affairs you’ve come to expect!
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